Rough Rough Rough Draft

My video is in extremely rough form right now. I wanted more people in the video but people were busy and the weather this week hasn’t been very helpful. It has to be done outside but it won’t work in the rain. The acting is also pretty bad at the moment and the script needs a bit of work. To me, this was a practice on what to do and how to do it. I don’t have all of the components mostly because I’m still trying to work out how to incorporate text and sounds. I’ve never done film editing before and as always I’m having a rough time with new technology. It took me 2 hours to even upload the videos into iMovie. It is very similar to my storyboard though which I’m happy about, minus the extra characters.

The purpose is to inspire people to participate in the Red Sand Project, which is an activist artwork to raise awareness for human trafficking. The idea is to put red sand in sidewalk cracks and then take a photo of it and post the picture to social media using the hashtag #redsandproject. That is the text I want to incorporate once I figure out how, in one of the final shots and at the bottom of the screen. The audience is primarily college students right now, especially at Miami. I don’t have any copyright concerns at the moment. I am still trying to figure out what song to use though.


Red Sand Project’s Facebook page is the most active of all their social media sites. It is often updated by posts with photos, hashtags and links to other articles and relevant pieces of rhetoric. This post really stuck out to me because it was personalized. I’ve seen photos like this one hanging in the gallery all the time, but I’ve never seen one off of a social media site and onto  a wall with a description, and a name. Isabel’s story is unbelievable to me. I would love to know what her dad was thinking when he didn’t pick her up from the bus stop. Did he look for her? Did he forget she was coming home? If she went missing for 4 years, how did that go unnoticed? I think it is amazing that she got out through the help of services. I would also like to know more about which ones and how they were able to help her. She is an inspiration for moving on past this terrifying life and having dreams of going to nursing school. I don’t know if I want to re-use any of this material, but this Facebook post definitely has shaped my thinking a bit. I also noticed that this post only has 5 likes. As a project created to raise awareness for a cause, it seems like the project needs a bit more awareness as well.


The second most active social media for the Red Sand Project would be the Twitter. This post is good because it applies it to the upcoming season, as well as showing that the toolkits are free. The post hosts the link which is ideal for easy navigation to the website. If the website was just listed, the audience may forget about it by being distracted by moving away from the post to open another app. People today have such a short attention span that links are the most effective way to redirect attention away from one platform onto another.

In my video, I could show the toolkit and  maybe even someone looking at the website. I want it a bit more upbeat so maybe not someone sitting in front of their computer, but rather someone posting the image moments after they did the sand in the cracks to show that it is fast and easy. I like the chalk in the image so I’m thinking about going to the dollar store to see if they have any sidewalk chalk.


I always forget that gestures such as raising eyebrows or sticking up a middle finger at someone could be classified as rhetoric. I think sometimes I’m stuck in the ways of the old philosophers thinking it is spoken word, but I also immediately classify writings. I found it interesting that Booth says rhetoric made civilization possible.

From this I gather that in the past we defined rhetoric as all about speaking eloquently and forming good arguments. The definitions from the 1900’s have changed dramatically from the definitions of the past. Now rhetoric seems so complex and almost undefinable as there are so many components.

I like that he thinks rhetoric should be used for good since a lot of times it has a negative connotation. He is open to communication and puts the emphasis on thinking about ones’ own argument and thoughts.


Video Proposal

I will focus mostly on the red sand and how to get involved. I want to have a pan and low angles of people filling the side walk cracks and getting involved, and show people happy on their phones posting the pictures. The audio will be an explanation of what is happening and why. It will give a brief description of human trafficking and the Red Sand Project. The only text I was thinking about using was the hashtag “#RedSandProject.” I think it needs upbeat music and maybe a catchy song everyone knows or could feel happy while listening to it. Mine won’t be like generic advocacy videos because mine will be upbeat and show people excited to be participating. It won’t be dry or too serious, even though the topic is super serious.

The research is already done, I have the facts I need from the audio project. My issue is going to be the technology itself. I have no idea how to use iMovie or how to do a voiceover. I assume I can make an audio piece as in Audacity and just layer it over a movie, but I could be very wrong.

From the video, I like how Molly Gochman is shown passing out bags of sand to people. I also like the angles she has and the variety of shots to keep it interesting when she was actually pouring the sand into the cracks. The voiceover effect was very effective so I want to try that out too.


Multimodal Video Project

I want to cause my audience to participate in the Red Sand Project. To inspire them, I will show people pouring the sand and posting the picture to their social media. It is so easy and a fun way to get involved. The text I will show is going to be the hashtag for the project and the website title to also encourage people to learn more about the movement as well as human trafficking. I could also show the box of sand it comes in. The whole project is free and so easy to get involved in.

To show my research I will incorporate facts about human trafficking to serve as a surprise and wake up call for the audience. I picture this being posted on social media and the audience will primarily be young adults in college. Secondly, it will be for anyone that has a mailing address and a social media account. The project is so easy, anyone can be a part of it. I want to make sure the audience knows what the project is, why it is happening and how to make a difference. People in the video will be happy and uplifted by participating.


Rough Draft

My purpose is to raise awareness for human trafficking. The Red Sand Project is an activist artistic movement where people are encouraged to put red sand in the cracks of sidewalks to symbolize urgency and that most people sold into human trafficking come from cracked homes. After the sand is in the crack, people are supposed to take a photo and post it to social media using the hashtag #redsandproject. My audio piece is going to display the lack of knowledge people have on human trafficking. It will be informative and hopefully entertaining.

It will be published on soundcloud but the link can be posted anywhere along with the hashtag and photo of the red sand. The audience is anyone. Everyone needs to learn more about this crime, especially as it happens in our community.

There won’t be copyright issues as long as I find my sound effects on free sounds and I’ll cite where I got some statistics. I think I might want to incorporate a number just to show how large human trafficking is. Also I might need to talk about Toledo and I-75 to emphasize that its happening around us.

I guess I’m very open to feedback on how to make it a little more exciting, or what kind of sounds to use. It is a serious topic but I do not want it to sound like a lecture.



This Instagram post really stuck out to me. This movement goes beyond the classroom. I am participating in this outside of making hypothetical ads, so seeing the use of red bricks was inspiring to me. Miami is known for their brick roads and buildings, so this design is perfect to execute here. I appreciate the message it sends as well. “Speak up” is important because it grabs the attention of the passerby, as well as the bright red sand. The block capital letters are attention getting and action provoking. Simple phrases such as that go a long way with raising awareness.

The YouTube video created by Molly Gochman, the artist mastermind behind the project, was also very inspiring to me. The video opens up with eerie and foggy clouds over a city seen through a moving vehicle. Gochman encourages the audience it is okay to question our surroundings to identify the problems and solutions. She describes sidewalk cracks as vulnerabilities that go unnoticed. Most people walk right over them and don’t give it a second thought. She feels the need to put energy into it things unnoticed and get it some attention, to help raise the awareness for things right under our noses, such as sidewalk cracks. This might be more useful for my video project.

I really like the way Gochman words things, and the way she says things sounds casual, as if she really just thought of these really well worded phrases off the top of her head. “Life leathers us through experiences and dulls our sensations. I want to create opportunities for people to soften and feel” She wants people to stop and feel. She’s inviting people to join her in a quiet way.

The music is fast and almost a little distracting. I understand it is to support the idea of urgency. I like it and could use something like it for my introduction, but I’m not sure I would use it throughout.

Rough Draft

Welcome listeners, today we have some guests here to discuss the issue of human trafficking and modern day slavery. We’re going to play a quick game (insert sound effect of a game show) with some guests today (introduce them) where I’m going to say a word and they’re going to say the first thing that pops into their head. Words: red, crack, sidewalk, human trafficking, sand.

Now what about “slavery?” (incorporate sound effects based on what they respond)

Do you feel like you are knowledgeable of human trafficking? It is mostly sexual exploitation and forced labor.

Do you consider human trafficking to happen in our country? (allow for feedback and converse. I don’t want it to sound too thought out, it should be more natural and raw for genuine answers)

Yeah actually it happens in every country. (insert gasps) Usually from under developed countries to developed countries and most often regionally. Europe is the destination for victims from the widest range of destinations, while victims from Asia are trafficked to the widest range of destinations. The Americas are prominent both as the origin and destination of victims of human trafficking according to UNODC.

So girls have you seen Taken?  (insert sound bite from Taken)

Unfortunately, most traffickers don’t get convicted, so this is how you can help spread the awareness. (happier music, inspirational) The Red Sand Project is super easy to participate in. You put red sand in the cracks of sidewalks to symbolize urgency and that most victims come from cracked lives, or unstable lives. Take a photo of the sand and post it to social media using hashtag #redsandproject. That’s it! Already you helped spread the word. Now get going!