
Red Sand Project’s Facebook page is the most active of all their social media sites. It is often updated by posts with photos, hashtags and links to other articles and relevant pieces of rhetoric. This post really stuck out to me because it was personalized. I’ve seen photos like this one hanging in the gallery all the time, but I’ve never seen one off of a social media site and onto  a wall with a description, and a name. Isabel’s story is unbelievable to me. I would love to know what her dad was thinking when he didn’t pick her up from the bus stop. Did he look for her? Did he forget she was coming home? If she went missing for 4 years, how did that go unnoticed? I think it is amazing that she got out through the help of services. I would also like to know more about which ones and how they were able to help her. She is an inspiration for moving on past this terrifying life and having dreams of going to nursing school. I don’t know if I want to re-use any of this material, but this Facebook post definitely has shaped my thinking a bit. I also noticed that this post only has 5 likes. As a project created to raise awareness for a cause, it seems like the project needs a bit more awareness as well.


The second most active social media for the Red Sand Project would be the Twitter. This post is good because it applies it to the upcoming season, as well as showing that the toolkits are free. The post hosts the link which is ideal for easy navigation to the website. If the website was just listed, the audience may forget about it by being distracted by moving away from the post to open another app. People today have such a short attention span that links are the most effective way to redirect attention away from one platform onto another.

In my video, I could show the toolkit and  maybe even someone looking at the website. I want it a bit more upbeat so maybe not someone sitting in front of their computer, but rather someone posting the image moments after they did the sand in the cracks to show that it is fast and easy. I like the chalk in the image so I’m thinking about going to the dollar store to see if they have any sidewalk chalk.

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