Rough Draft

Welcome listeners, today we have some guests here to discuss the issue of human trafficking and modern day slavery. We’re going to play a quick game (insert sound effect of a game show) with some guests today (introduce them) where I’m going to say a word and they’re going to say the first thing that pops into their head. Words: red, crack, sidewalk, human trafficking, sand.

Now what about “slavery?” (incorporate sound effects based on what they respond)

Do you feel like you are knowledgeable of human trafficking? It is mostly sexual exploitation and forced labor.

Do you consider human trafficking to happen in our country? (allow for feedback and converse. I don’t want it to sound too thought out, it should be more natural and raw for genuine answers)

Yeah actually it happens in every country. (insert gasps) Usually from under developed countries to developed countries and most often regionally. Europe is the destination for victims from the widest range of destinations, while victims from Asia are trafficked to the widest range of destinations. The Americas are prominent both as the origin and destination of victims of human trafficking according to UNODC.

So girls have you seen Taken?  (insert sound bite from Taken)

Unfortunately, most traffickers don’t get convicted, so this is how you can help spread the awareness. (happier music, inspirational) The Red Sand Project is super easy to participate in. You put red sand in the cracks of sidewalks to symbolize urgency and that most victims come from cracked lives, or unstable lives. Take a photo of the sand and post it to social media using hashtag #redsandproject. That’s it! Already you helped spread the word. Now get going!

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